THT offers a unique perspective on modern life through dance, exploring the realities and emotions of our time. Each performance reflects the challenges and aspirations of today, inviting everyone to connect and find personal answers through movement.

What we do

Atelier avancé de Bboying :  Ici, chaque danseur est encouragé à trouver sa voix unique, à explorer son style tout en affinant sa musicalité et sa technique. L’originalité et l’expression personnelle sont au centre de cet atelier. Ateliers d’initiation : Parfait pour ceux qui font leurs premiers pas dans le monde de la danse urbaine. De la dynamique du Hip-Hop Freestyle à l’énergie brute du Bboying, en passant par les rythmes entraînants de la House Dance et les mouvements fluides du Popping, ces ateliers sont conçus pour offrir une introduction complète et adaptée à tous les âges.


Advanced Bboying Workshop Here, each dancer is encouraged to find their unique voice, to explore their style while refining their musicality and technique. Originality and personal expression are at the heart of this workshop.

Beginner Workshops Perfect for those taking their first steps in the world of urban dance. From the dynamics of Hip-Hop Freestyle to the raw energy of Bboying, to the catchy rhythms of House Dance and the fluid movements of Popping, these workshops are designed to offer a complete and adapted introduction for all ages.


Each performance is a story, an emotion translated into movement. Our flagship productions, "FLEUR" and "Cherche en Corps," are a reflection of our artistic direction. Designed to captivate audiences on both grand theater stages and outdoor events, they transcend genres to offer a unique and immersive experience.


Our passion for hip-hop dance extends beyond the stage. With an eclectic team of photographers, videographers, and dancers, we create events that showcase the best of the hip-hop world. Whether it's a battle where emerging talents compete or a choreographed performance, we are committed to promoting and celebrating this culture in all its forms.

Discover our performances

Contact us

Mail : [email protected]

instagram : @compagnie_tht